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Redevelopment of the Kelowna Mill Site area presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

We value the imagination and creativity that the community has contributed to crafting a vision for this new neighbourhood. We are at the concept review stage of the Mill Site Area Redevelopment Plan. Thank you to those who participated in the online survey, and joined us for community pop-ups at Knox Mountain and a public information meeting and celebration at the Laurel Packinghouse. We heard your feedback on three preliminary concepts that were created from the community vision and objectives established in the previous stage.

Sign up below to receive updates regarding the plan.

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From the very beginning, this project has been about community. An opportunity to connect our community, to serve our community, and to include our community.

Thank you for your interest in the Kelowna Mill Site. By filling out this form you will be added to a Newsletter where you will receive alerts & updates regarding the future on this historic Kelowna property. Emails will be reserved for project updates. You will only receive emails related to the planning process and not future marketing emails.

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