Property & Ownership
- Who is Holar Developments?
Holar Developments is managing the development and planning initiative for the Mill Site Area Plan. Holar Developments is 100% owned by Timber Investments Ltd., with the same family ownership as Tolko Industries Ltd.
- What is the history of mill operations on the Mill Site lands?
Multiple mills have occupied the Mill Site, the first was built in 1932 during the Great Depression. For over 80 years the Mill Site served Kelowna residents as a place of employment and a source of community connections, with an excellent team that produced highly-regarded, quality stud lumber for North American and export markets.
- Is the Mill Site part of the Sawmill Trust lands?
The property is not part of the Sawmill Trust lands.
- Is the property contaminated?
Tolko Industries Ltd. is currently working with the Ministry of Environment and a third-party Environmental firm to safely decommission the site. While this work is ongoing, the planning team is pleased with the overall condition of the site given the history of industrial operations.
- How and where on the site is contamination an issue? How much remediation will be required?
The detailed site investigation has been completed and, generally, the site is in good shape given its’ 80-year industrial history. Small areas of contamination will be remediated to Provincial standards, as required.
- Is there contamination in the lake? How will the impacted areas in the lake be remediated?
A review is underway on the areas in the lake where logs were stored. Once the study is complete, we will continue to work with our Registered Professionals and the Province to determine what additional action is required.
- What is happening on the site now? When will the rest of the buildings be taken down?
Currently, portions of the property are being leased for short term commercial and industrial use. Most of the site decommissioning work has been completed and the remaining buildings may be re-used as part of the future community plan and will be reassessed for their utility as heritage opportunities are considered.
Development Process
- What is the planning schedule/what is the status of the consultation?
The community consultation and planning work for the Mill Site is now expected to be completed in mid-2025.
We have completed two rounds of community outreach along with a wide range of background technical studies and are now in the process of presenting a single concept plan to the City.- What is an Area Redevelopment Plan?
The City of Kelowna has a hierarchical, or ‘nested’ approach to community plans, including the Official Community Plan, Sector Plans, Area Structure Plans and Area Redevelopment Plans.
Area Redevelopment Plans (ARP) are endorsed by Council and implemented as an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP), providing a critical link between Kelowna’s OCP and specific land development applications for lands that have been previously developed. The ARP process enables landowners to work with City Staff, the community and Council to conduct the necessary investigations to examine the potential for development and to determine how development would best meet City objectives.
- What is the timeframe for creating the Mill Site Area Redevelopment Plan?
The community consultation and planning work for the Mill Site will follow alongside the City’s North End Neighbourhood Planning Process and is expected to be completed in early/mid-2025.
- What comes after the Mill Site Redevelopment Plan is completed?
Following completion of the Area Redevelopment Plan, Holar will seek approval for the plan from Kelowna City Council and, if approved, Holar expects to undertake the next steps in the development process, including subdivision and site servicing. The specifics of those next steps will be determined as the process progresses.
- How does the Mill Site Redevelopment Plan relate to the North End Neighbourhood Plan?
The North End Neighbourhood Planning and the Mill Site Area Redevelopment Planning are distinct processes with similar timelines. The two planning processes will align through information sharing and overlapping community input opportunities.
- What is the status of the North End Planning Process?
The North End Neighbourhood Plan is distinct from the Mill Site Area Redevelopment Plan process and is being managed by the City. To receive updates about the NEP, including engagement opportunities – be sure to follow the project page.
- How can the community get involved in the Mill Site planning process?
Information about the planning and consultation process and future opportunities to engage can also be found at where you can also register to receive the latest project updates and information regarding upcoming events.
- What is the current status of the planning and engagement process?
Three different preliminary concept plans were presented to the community last winter and, with the input received, the planning team is in the process of refining a single plan that will be presented to the community for feedback in the coming weeks.
- How can I get more information as the process advances?
The planning team expects to provide more information on the Mill Site Area Redevelopment Plan, including information on the planning and community input opportunities, over the coming weeks. The planning team will provide project news to those who register on this site to receive project updates. Register below.
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From the very beginning, this project has been about community. An opportunity to connect our community, to serve our community, and to include our community.
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